Savings Membership
Unlock the world's Best Discounts with our membership.

Say Goodbye to overpaying!
Rely on a 16-year A+ rated industry leader. Pocket an average $5,000 - $10,000 Savings Annually on the things you spend money on.
Learn More & Join

Helping People Save

We are on a mission to help 1 Million families become dept free.
Save money on the things you already buy like online shopping, home and auto insurance, travel and so much more. We have been in business since 2006 and have an A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau. We've already helped families just like yours save thousands of dollars per year.
Keep More Of Your Hard-Earned Money.

Take Action Right Now. Click the GREEN Button above to schedule your FREE 20-minute review.
Join Now
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Become An Affiliate

Save Money on your monthly bills, Share the Savings on Social Media and Make Commissions for everyone who signs up.

Start Your Own Business

All the training, support, marketing websites, funnels, email responders are in place and ready for you to use FREE. Your job or goal is simply to share your personal link to our marketing funnels and websites that do all the telling and selling for you. These self-explanitory platforms have a proven track record of conversions and we follow-up with your leads for you. If you have 1-2 hours per day to spend network marketing - or promoting our savings membership and business opportunity on social media, we will train you exactly how to do that on a daily basis. Work Anytime. Anywhere. using our custom APP that has all our training, marketing funnels, lead generations

Get Paid Every Wednesday.

We're on a mission to help 1 Million Families Get Out of Debt. Help us share the opportunity to help people SAVE MONEY on the things they buy each and every month.   THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS Per Year on your current services and monthly bills.

 Save on dining, shopping, fun & entertainment. Cut car & home insurance bills by up to $2,000. Slash Travel costs by up to 70% worldwide. Unlimited 24/7 doctors on call. Save up to 50% on detal, vision, & prescriptions. Get Free 24-hour roadside & legal assistance. Tax preparation, Discount Pet Insurance & Prescriptons, and more.

SHG has been around since 2006 and has an A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau.

50% Commissions / 25% Monthly Residuals

We have an outstanding compensation plan that pays you 50% commissions on initial signups and a recurring 25% commission each month. (3) Membership Plans: $20, $100, or $199; each plan has a variety of savings benefits... choose the plan that is right for you.

'Remember, it's not how much you Make... It's How Much You Keep that counts." 

Become An Affilliate for as little as $20.

Business-In-A-Box Includes:

As A Member you receive over $15,000 of Marketing & Training included for FREE.
  • 100% COMPLETE Marketing System
    • Training & Funnels At No Cost To You
    • Everything In ONE Place
  • 9 Done For You Sales Funnels (including Spanish)
    • Done For You Email Follow Up (daily follow up)
    • Done For You Member Training (We train your members)
    • Custom APP for Lead Generation 
      • 100% FREE To Funnel Team Members
      • REAL TIME Lead Notification
      • Ability To Follow Up With EVERY Lead
      • Everything In Our Original Training Now In The App
      • EVERYTHING You Need Right At Your Fingertips
      • Autoresponder Integration
    • Step by Step Guidance From Day ONE
      • Easy To Follow Directions
      • Video Examples With Every Lesson
      • PDF Lessons With Every Video
    • OVER $15,000 Worth Of Funnels, Courses & Training - FREE!
    • NO Upsells, EVER!

    What To Expect:

    1). To Schedule Your Free Savings Review Call you will need to fill out our form. After completing the form, we will contact you with your scheduled Day & Time for your 30-minute Savings Review Call.

    2).  Get your bills ready. Based on the bills you selected on the form, have all of your monthly recurring bills ready to be emailed over in a digital file format (either download a PDF file of your most recent bill from your providers website or take a clear photo (JPEG) of all of the pages with charges on them). These bills can be emailed over to us BEFORE or DURING your scheduled appointment time to:

    We will call you at your specified time.

    3).  We do 100% of the work to lower your bills. Once we negotiate your bills we will contact you with your savings and you can start saving money on your next bill.

    4).  Pay the 50% fee over 1, 2, 3 or 6 months. Enjoy your savings and Free Money!

    Schedule Your FREE Savings Review
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    What To Expect:

    1). To Schedule Your Free Savings Review Call you will need to fill out our form. After completing the form, we will contact you with your scheduled Day & Time for your 30-minute Savings Review Call.

    2).  Get your bills ready. Based on the bills you selected on the form, have all of your monthly recurring bills ready to be emailed over in a digital file format (either download a PDF file of your most recent bill from your providers website or take a clear photo (JPEG) of all of the pages with charges on them). These bills can be emailed over to us BEFORE or DURING your scheduled appointment time to:

    We will call you at your specified time.

    3).  We do 100% of the work to lower your bills. Once we negotiate your bills we will contact you with your savings and you can start saving money on your next bill.

    4).  Pay the 50% fee over 1, 2, 3 or 6 months. Enjoy your savings and Free Money!

    Schedule Your FREE Savings Review
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    Company savings logos

    Simple 4-Step Process

    We Save Business Owners Thousands On Monthly Business Expenses!

    Referral Agent: edcass  |   PH: 586-295-0675   |  Email:
    Learn More About This Opportunity
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    Commonly asked questions and answers.

    What are the commission rates?
    • 50% commission on initial sales.
    • 25% residual on retained sales.
    • EXAMPLE: 50 titanium sales = $5,000/month & $2,500 in passive, hands off, income.
    • TIP: get plugged into our training and the sales will come with ease.
    Is this a monthly membership?
    • Yes, just like access to the gym is monthly.
    • TIP: get 4 sales and your membership is paid for!
    Is this global?
    • Yes, we are in 140+ countries. The savings and commissions work the same no matter where you are.
    How do I get sales?
    • Use my exclusive training that you get instant access to. It’s an income accelerator that WORKS when YOU work IT.
    How much time do I have to spend on this?
    • 1-2 hours a day.
    • TIP: it’s about the consistency in you spending the time, NOT the “amount” of time spent.

    What's possible to make?
    • Anywhere between $50-$2,200 a day. We have people doing all of the above. What do YOU want to do?
    Do I have to create my own training for my members who sign up with me?
    • NO. It’s hands off for you. They plug in just the same as you, maximizing your time.
    Can I cancel anytime?
    • Sure, if you decide you no longer want to make and save money.
    How long has this been around?
    • Since 2006. We know what we’re doing.
    How do I start saving?
    • Go into your savings portal, get your savings set up, start using our daily deals app and extension… follow our training!
    Can you guarantee my savings and earnings?
    • NO. I don’t know what bills you have until you schedule a consult with our team. How much you save varies on the bills you pay and need lowered. I also don’t know how you’ll show up… are you going to pull excuses or are you going to be in proximity with what works? Your earnings are up to you.

    Do you have replays?
    • OF COURSE! You’ll get access to every single replay for anytime you want to tap into something around your schedule.
    I am scared, overwhelmed, and terrified, how can I overcome that? I have a crappy mindset. Will I be successful? Its never worked for me before. I want more information on the savings so I know what it looks like.